Saturday, May 05, 2007

How Microsoft Tells You VB.Net is not for Pro's

So I was helping my brother out with some code he needed for a class project. It was just some basic XML File reading/search/add values/write code... but he needed it in VB.Net... Well I haven't touched VB.Net in over 2 years and had no real desire to do so, but I went ahead and downloaded VB.Net 2005 Express edition and threw the code together.

Onto how Microsoft tells you VB.Net is not for Pro's:
  1. Have you ever tried to create an XML file in VB.Net Express Edition using the Add New Item list? You will have noticed that it is not on the list... Why wouldn't you put XML file as an option? It is in C#. Well C# is for pro's though... I guess.
  2. Splash Screen... They put Splash Screen on the Add New Item list but not XML files! You figure that one out.
  3. We won't go in to personal feelings like: Coding VB.Net makes me feel sick. I mean if you don't turn on Option Strict and Option explicit then you can just use new variables out of the blue and not even think twice. Not to mention that it is not case sensitive, still supports way to much VB 6, which is really not as object oriented as it should be. They really should toss VB 6 Support and Force people to either continue using VB6 or switch totally to VB.Net.
Anyways I got the code worked out fine no problems and I got to relearn some basic VB syntax... not that I need it.

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